From the Williams Broadcasting Studios with veteran talk show hosts John Williams, Mike Godin, Ryan Godin and our special guest Steve Roop, owner of Roopers Beverage and Redemption featuring the Beverage of The Week...don't miss this wild and interesting golf update show!!!!!
From the Williams Broadcasting Studios with veteran talk show hosts John Williams, Mike Godin, Ryan Godin and our special guest Steve Roop, owner of Roopers Beverage and Redemption featuring the Beverage of The Week...don't miss this wild and interesting golf update show!!!!!
From the Studios of Williams Broadcasting with veteran talk show hosts John Williams, Ryan Godin and special guest Steve Roop owner of Roopers Beverage and Redemption with 6 locations in Maine...talking golf and enjoying the beverage of the week!!!!!!!!!!!
From the Williams Broadcasting Studios with veteran talk show hosts John Williams, Mike Godin and Ryan Godin talking about Ted Potters Big Win!!!!!
From the Studios of Williams Broadcasting with veteran talk show hosts John Williams, Mike Godin, Ryan Godin and special guest Steve Roop, owner of Roopers Beverage and Redemption with 6 locations in Maine with the beverage of the week...Dogfish Head, Burton Baton India Pale Ale....a must try!!! Gary Woodland wins Waste Management Open in Phoenix in front of record breaking crowd!!