Williams Broadcasting Studios with veteran talk show host John Williams, Mike and Ryan Godin with Twin City Financial and Steve Roop Owner of Roopers Beverage and Redemption with all the latest PGA News.
From the Williams Broadcasting Studios with veteran talk show host John Williams, Mike and Ryan Godin, with Special weekly guest Steve Roop owner of Roopers Beverage and Redemption with 6 locations in Maine, talking all about the latest news with Tiger Woods.
The beverage of the week from the 19th Hole is Finder...New England IPA..smooth, hazy, juicy!!!
All about Golf...... from the Williams Broadcasting Studios with veteran talk show host John Williams, and guests Mike and Ryan Godin and special guest Steve Roop owner of Roopers Beverage and Redemption with 6 locations in Maine featuring the beverage of the week...
A must listen to weekly podcast!!!!!!